Saturday, October 1, 2011

Last day of September two thousand eleven

After a highly stressful day of writing a paper, graduation application, scholarship application, and a presentation my roommates Ian, Ted, and I hosted a Latin dance party at our house. We took the sectional couch and put it in the kitchen to act as some sort of lounge. Ian had put around 30 cokes in a ice chest all day, so they were super cold and delightful. We had a bitchin' time when our friends both old and new came and swiveled their hips to some wonderful Latin music. Around 10:30pm our neighbors had called the police over to tell us to shut it down. So the rest of the night was spent with Ian, Andresa, Maki, and Cheka talking story in our kitchen/lounge sipping on cold cokes.

Ted getting down

Maki with the glassbottle coke in the background, and Tina from Yap, Micronesia on the right.

DJ Ian keepin things alive

It was hot.

Ted and I putting on the moves. Rog in the background livin' it up.

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